Installing PRG SMS Data Transfer Applications




Step 1 – Login in to the website.                                                                                                     


Navigate to the site below






Input Login Name and Password in above page, then press “Go” and the page below opens.





Step 2: - Set up email accounts to receive alerts.                                                                            


            Click “Account Details”














Scroll Down






Click “Edit”







Add Emails


Add email addresses here.


Press submit when you are done








Step 3: - Download the data transfer app.                                                                                             


            Click “Data Transfer Apps”














Choose the transfer app that corresponds to the shop management system.





Click the word “Download” to begin the download process.









Press the “Install” button to begin the installation.  Wait for a few moments while the application begins.





If you see this message press the downward pointing triangle and select “Keep”







Press “Run”











If you see a message box similar to this, press “Install”





If the App does not Automatically start, Start the app from an Icon Similar to this.






Launch the app by double clicking on the icon.







Step 4: - Add Facility Specific Settings to Transfer App                                                                        



Copy the ID number from the website and paste it in the Account ID field.









Use below info to fill the file path info and the name of the Database if required.



            SMS                            Path                                                                                                    Database Name                        SQL Connection

            Bay Master                  C:\ACR\LIVE\DATA                                                                        CUSVEHMSC                        NA

            Mitchell1 Shop Key    C:\Program Files (x86)\M1-SK\Teamworks\Manager\Data                ShopMgt                                 <servername>\SHOPSTREAM

            TRACS                       C:\NAPA\tracs\db                                                                              TRACS                                   NA

            WinWorks                   C:\AutoShop                                                                                       ShopData                                NA

            R.O. Writer                 C:\Program Files (x86)\R.O. Writer\Data Default                              ROWriter                                NA

            All Data                      C:\Program Files (x86)\MSSQL10_50.ALLDATASC\MSSQL        ServiceCenterData                        <servername>\ALLDATASC           




Step 5: - Setting Database Connections                                                                                                   


There are 2 different types of connections discussed below.  The first one like RO Writer is a connection directly to the DB file.

The other (Mitchell 1 6.4 or later and AllData) is connecting to the SQL instance.


Connecting To Database:





Connecting To SQL Instance:


When you connect to a SQL Instance, you need to find the server name where SQL is installed.  This may be the name of the

workstation you are working on or the name of a different PC in the facility network.  There is a simple way to determine the

SQL instance name.

On Mitchell Manager, click “Help > About Manager”







The information below “Core Database Path” provides you with the server name.  The server name is the name before the first “\”.  In this example the server name is “PBS-PC”.  Therefore the SQL Instance connection would be – PBS-PC\SHOPSTREAM 



Copy the server name from “Core Database Path” and type it before the first “\SHOPSTREAM”.  In this example the server name is “PBS-PC”.  Therefore the SQL Instance would be – PBS-PC\SHOPSTREAM 








Step 6: - Set The Auto Send Time                                                                                                           


If the shop leaves the database and workstation computers on 24/7 then set the app to run any time after 6 PM local to about

4 AM local. If the facility turns of either the  workstation that the apps is on or the database server then set auto send to

Any time between 8:00 AM and 3:PM.  Remember to check the box next to Auto Send. 


Set the Auto Send Time.






Step 7: - Save Your Changes                                                                                                          



Press the save button.



Confirm that your account information is correct.  This information is based on the Account ID used.




Press “Send Data Now” to begin sending data immediately.